Show & Tell: Anthropocene Objects: A Future History in 50 Things

Venue: Reading Museum


Tell stories of our new Anthropocene: the Age of Human through cultural artefacts, everyday objects and imagined 'things', in this creative workshop led by Mark Goldthorpe. It's suggested that our species has become a planetary force, changing soils, climate, oceans, habitats and life for ever... When did this begin, what does it mean today, how might it play out? Bring an everyday object or remarkable thing that says something to you about our changing environment, come along with an experience of something from our past, and share an idea for something from our future that shows how our species' impact might change the world for other lifeforms.

Mark has worked with charities, universities and businesses for 25 years, exploring how our imaginations, creativity and shared cultures can change our relationships with our environment. Come with your objects, something to write or draw with/ on and your imaginations!


Young adults ages 16-18


Places limited, for further information and to book email